Paulo Freire Institute Summer Program
Welcome to the 2019 Paulo Freire Institute (PFI) Summer Program at the University of California, Los Angeles registration page. The PFI Summer Program will be held from July 11 to August 1, and will include two formal courses offered through the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies (GSEIS) and Faculty of Extension at UCLA. The courses are as follows: Special Topics on Emerging Issues in Sociology of Education: Politics and Education and Special Topics in Comparative Education: The Dialectics of the Global and the Local. After completing the courses, enrolled students will receive a formal transcript from the Faculty of Extension at UCLA (9 credits in total through UCLA extension).
The tuition of the program will be USD $2,200 per person. Airfare, housing, and living expenses are not included.
1) Please click on the Paulo Freire Institute link on the upper left to register.
2) Completely input all the required boxes requesting information.
3) IMPORTANT: when selecting the payment, only input the number 1 within the quantity box (DO NOT PUT THE PRICE OF THE PAYMENT)
4) Completely input all credit card information
5) After your registration is accepted, you will receive an email receipt.
6) A reminder that the first deposit payment of USD $900 is due by February 28, 2019.
7) For questions regarding Paulo Freire Institute please contact Chen Wei Chang at